Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mini Outfits of The Day!

Well, hello lovelies! 
Style. Ah, I love dressing up. There's just something about waking up, staring at your closet and deciding how YOU want to feel for that day! Casual? Dressed up? Comfy? Whatever look you decide on, it can either make you feel like you're ready to conquer your day or it can make you feel like a zombie ready to jump back into bed! My best fashion advice: Dress how you want to feel.

When you look good, you FEEL good. You have this burst of confidence and it shines through your smile! It has to be the best feeling in the world! We've ALL had those days: you get a little dolled up & you're feeling great. And then we have those days where we throw on anything quickly, and we're feeling as if we look like death! 

My Grandma always told me: Never leave your house without your hair, makeup, and nails done! 

A couple of days ago this was the look of the night for dinner.
Sleek ponytail, statement necklace, long black dress, and wooden heels. 

(p.s. I LOVE FALL colors!) 

Eyes: Lorac Pro Palette: Silver to highlight the inner eyelids, Jade in the outer lid, and Cocoa and Black to blend it all out. 
Lips: Omg, AMAZING lip combo, Drug Store products: Loreal JLO's Nude 370 & top it off with Loreal Nude Ballet. I wish I would have taken a more detailed photo of the lips, but trust me, it's a beautiful combo! 

Necklace: Forever21 


I've been addicted to the Lorac Pro Palette, it has been my go to for Fall looks. It's beautiful. 
I would highly recommend it! 

Casual Day Out
This was my casual outfit of the day for running errands with my husband! 
You can't go wrong with a pair of skinny jeans (that I rolled up for a capris look) and comfy flats!


Those flats pictured above are probably the most comfortable flats I have - Vera Wang does it again. And, the best part - I got them at a bargain price at Kohl's! (winning!) 

Don't get me wrong - there are days (many days might I add) that you'll find me at home in pajama pants, the messiest bun in the world, and a bag of flaming hot cheetos on the couch watching Lifetime movies. (If you know me, you know this is 100% accurate) 

But you can't beat that feeling of getting dressed up for a brand new day! :)

I'm excited to start posting more 'Outfits of The Day' posts~

New to my blog? Link your blog down below, I'd love to check it out.

Until next time lovelies,

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Natasha Marie